Your auto insurance rates will change throughout the course of your life, and you'll probably see at least a small premium adjustment every time you renew an existing policy or purchase a new one. There are, however, certain events that will trigger particularly substantial changes in your premiums. Here are three events that will significantly impact your auto insurance rates.
1. You Purchase a New Car
The car you drive has a major impact on how much your auto insurance rates are for the year; make and model affect both the risk of injury during an accident and how much your insurance company might need to pay if your car is totaled.
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Businesses that use vehicles in the course of their regular operations need to carry some form of auto insurance. There are several different types of commercial auto insurance available, though, and what kind your business needs depends on what sort of vehicles it uses.
Few Company-Owned Vehicles: Traditional Commercial Auto Insurance
If your business owns one or a few commercially registered vehicles, you should look at the traditional commercial auto insurance options that are available.
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