Choosing RV Insurance: Similarities And Differences Compared To Traditional Auto Insurance

If you own an Airstream, then you'll need insurance for it just as you need insurance for your regular vehicle. Purchasing RV insurance isn't complicated, but it does require a little bit of knowledge and care. It might seem particularly daunting if you're a first-time RV owner or if you're switching providers after remaining with the same one for quite some time.

Fortunately, there are just a few essential pieces of information you'll need to keep in mind to make the right decision. This article will give over a few similarities (and differences) between standard auto insurance and RV insurance so that you can build a policy that works for you.

Similarity: Base Coverage Types

RV insurance includes the standard coverage types that you're used to purchasing for any passenger vehicle. Likewise, you'll need to follow the same rules for these coverage options that you would for your regular car. If you own one of Airstream's touring couches, then you must have whatever liability coverage amount your state dictates.

On the other hand, your standard car insurance policy may provide liability coverage for a towed travel trailer. This extension will not necessarily include comprehensive or collision coverage, however. Check with your insurer to determine if your standard policy covers a towed trailer or if you'll need to upgrade to enjoy these benefits.

Similarity: Lender Requirements

If you don't own your RV outright, then you'll probably need to purchase additional coverage above and beyond your state minimum. Most lenders require some extra protection as with car loans since they have a financial stake in the vehicle. Discuss these requirements with your lender so that you can ensure you fully meet them. You'll usually need collision coverage at a minimum.

Difference: Higher-Level Coverage

In addition to standard types of auto insurance coverage, you may need additional protection levels for your RV. For example, standard auto insurance is unlikely to cover the many personal items in an RV. You'll usually need to purchase an additional policy to protect your RV's contents, just as many homeowner's insurance policies require extra coverage for some items.

Other coverage extensions will help you if you're going to remain in one place for an extended period. These additional policy options protect you if someone is injured in or near your RV while it's functioning as a residence (temporary or not) and not as a vehicle.

Difference: Roadside Assistance

Insurance policies often provide roadside assistance, but these rarely cover RVs or travel trailers. If your tow vehicle breaks down, you usually won't want to leave your trailer on the side of the road. Speak with your insurance company about your roadside assistance coverage limits, and strongly consider upgrading so you don't leave your RV out in the cold during a breakdown. Look into a company that provides Airstream insurance
